HFP01SC self-calibrating heat flux sensor™ is a heat flux sensor for use in the soil. It offers the best available accuracy and quality assurance of the measurement. The on-line self-test verifies the stable performance and good thermal contact of sensors that are buried and cannot be visually inspected and taken to the laboratory for recalibration. The self-test also includes self-calibration which compensates for measurement errors caused by the thermal conductivity of the surrounding soil (which varies with soil moisture content), for sensor non-stability and for temperature dependence.
- Low thermal resistance
- Large guard area (required by the ISO 9869 standard)
- Low electrical resistance (low pickup of electrical noise)
- High sensitivity (good signal to noise ratio in low-flux environments)
- Robustness, including a strong cable (essential for permanently installed sensors)
- IP protection class: IP67 (essential for outdoor application)
- Incorporated film heater for self-testing